Blossom Photography

About Me:
Hello, nice to meet you!
Well, we aren’t exactly meeting but, you have probably looked at my picture and you know my name; so we are practically related now. And since we are related, that means hugs! Hugs for you, hugs for me, hugs for everyone!
As you can probably tell I am a weirdo who loves hugs, reading, and using my new appliances that I got from my wedding. As of right now I have been married for two months, and if I do say so myself, I’m a great housewife. My husband calls me a THWCCRAF (Topnotch Hugger Who Can Cook Really Amazing Food). Okay, no one calls me that but a girl can dream. Plus, I’m only twenty-one…I’ve got years of practice ahead of me.
Along with hugging, reading and cooking, I love photography. Ever since I was a little girl I have always had this fascination with cameras and capturing the little moments in life. This is what led me to start Blossom Photography. A bored, housewife who’s goal is to not only give you tips about photography but, an insight into the life of a poor married college student living in the wastelands of southeastern Idaho.
These insides will include lots and lots of pictures, my personal thoughts and opinions, as well as some pretty awesome quotes from some dead people and possibly living people. For example look to your left, here is a quote that is allegedly from Abraham Lincoln that I think defines photography perfectly.
So, make sure you check out all that Blossom Photography has to offer.

Send me a quick email if you
have any questions
* My favorite color is purple
* I am rockstar only when I sing in the shower
* I am horrible at diets
* Married to a wonderful man named Michael
(you will probably hear a lot about him)
* I’m a closet nerd

Photo credit to the shoppe