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How To Choose A Camera: What Camera Is For Me?

Have you ever looked at a picture and thought, “Wow! That picture is great, they must have used a really expensive camera,” and then realized it was taken with just a cheap hand held camera? Well, stop asking that question. The photographer makes a photo great and the camera great, not the other way around. But, even with that said, different cameras produce different images. This article will introduce different cameras and explain both their functions and what image they would produce; ultimately to find the perfect camera for your needs. Choosing a digital camera may seem as a simple process, but that is not the case. With so many options to choose from, the camera-buying process can be tedious but we are going to break the cameras into four categories: phones, point and shoot, EVIL cameras and DSLR cameras. I’ll explain the acronyms later on in the article.

If you have a phone, you can attest that most camera phones these days take quality photos rival to the standard point and shoot cameras. Even though our cameras on our phones are good, they aren’t as good as using a larger camera such as an EVIL or DSLR camera. I would recommend using this type of camera for people who only want to carry around one device and take casual pictures. A pro to using this type of camera would be that you always have it with you. I mean, nowadays who doesn’t have their phone on them at all times?! Another pro to this type of camera is that smartphones now can upload photos practically anywhere via third-party apps. These pros don’t take away from the cons of using this type of camera. Cons such as phones are not made to be dedicated cameras, there were meant to be phones, which hinders the users options and forces the camera/user to conform to the device. Basically, if you use your cellphone for “selfies” and have no intentions of taking an entire photoshoot with your phone, you are on the right track. Nonetheless, if you care about photography, and want to make it a profession, you probably want to have something high-tech, rather than a smartphone.

Point and shoot cameras are essentially like tiny cameras that have the same quality as a smart phone. These cameras are typically owned by people who don’t care about interchangeable lenses or accessories and wants a camera that takes pretty good pictures all by itself. Although these cameras are easy to use and hold, they tend to lack poor manual controls and like with the smartphones, you conform to the device. Again, if you are serious about photography, stray from using these cameras and invest in a high-tech camera.

A “high-tech” camera could be either an EVIL or DSLR camera. EVIL stands for electric viewfinder with interchangeable lenses and DSLR is strictly just a type of camera. These are EVIL cameras are the cameras that exists between a point and shoot camera and a DSLR. These EVIL cameras have better manual controls, meaning you are in control not the device. Not only do they allow you to point and shoot, but you can also have complete control over the actual image with the interchangeable lenses. Professional photographers choose this camera when they want a more portable camera than DSLR, as it still provides the same image quality and gives decent lens options as the DSLR camera. This type of camera is very common now days are great for beginning photographers. The last camera was a DSLR camera, normally used by professionals. Generally there are two brands you can choose between when thinking of purchasing a DSLR, and I always will recommend Canon over Nikon. All Nikon cameras I’ve owned have crapped out on me and have had major problems, so I stick to my Canon and other cameras. But, that all comes from preference.

When looking to buy a camera seriously contemplate how you will use your camera and do your research. Today there are so many benefits that come with basic cameras; you don’t have to spend an arm and leg to buy a nice camera. Go with what fits to your needs and your style. For example, I own a digital camera, a Canon Rebel XL that is like six years old and still going strong with three film cameras that I love for different reasons—I might love my digital camera more cause its free, while the others are expensive from buying film. But, even with that said, each style is unique just like a photographer. Learn how to master your skills and may the lighting be ever in your favor.


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